DotGoC!org Meeting 1

Meeting Topic: DotGoC!org Coordination



Mon 20 Oct 08, Brockley, London SE4


Agenda – covered & carried over



  1. Facilitator (familiar with CDM processes) – Tim
  2. Note-taker (to publish minutes afterwards) – Camilla
  3. Timekeeper (to draw our attentime to priorities temporal) – Camilla




Extremely brief hurried notes with main points from last night...

present: Dalinian, Danny, Ellie, Jacqui, Chris, Jake, Zoe, Camilla, Ian (later)


1. Introductory go round


2. Online presence

Tim gave us a tour of the website and the wiki procedures. He called for more information for the website particularly to highlight how different this event will be from any riot or ruck. We must have a very serious message about security and non-violence communicating the idea of a party atmosphere.

The site is public, whereas the wiki collaborative site is open to users who've requested access and been granted it.

Tim has done a large part of this work to get it live. What is now needed:

a) copy for 'life after death' from Chris

b) copy for child friendly/accessibility issues from facilitator (Camilla?)

c) more info regarding anti-violence/security (see below)

d) contributions to the ActionCalendar from enveryone with any info

e) pages needed on ArtGallery (Tim to assist severely IT challenged Camilla!), plus an Anthem page, and Astronomy page (some question as to whether this was being replaced?)


We agreed:


3. Security issues

Chris, citing experience with March for Social Justice, is taking on the role of chief steward/police liaison.

He proposed the stewards take on a black/scary appearance, to act as an 'anti-black-bloc' and control rogue elements. He stressed that we should be acting totally legally, respecting all rights of property and person. There can be no violence and we will enter no premises unless invited.

Jake suggested approaches to the SWP for stewards with experience. Tim raised concerns about SWP stewarding of events when in action with anarchists in the past. These were noted. Tim further argued that what is needed is a training event where volunteer stewards with some NVDA experience can get together to work out their plans and protocols. Some discussion as to whether this could be all women, but practically it is not likely at this stage. Tim has a contact for possible NVDA experienced recruits and training. The SWP will also be called on.

Danny pointed out we need some idea re capacity and ratio to estimate our stewarding needs.

We have arrived at a rough guess of 1 steward per 10 people, therefore 100 per thousand.

Camilla put forward some ideas for event design that might impinge on stewarding practice (viz. opening circle, how to establish it through ceremonial, followed by summoning of four processions to the site).

Zoe raised the issue of the signals we are putting out. what exactly is our 'magical intent', what is the plan...


that is about as far as we got...