About Chris

This is a template to allow you to quickly put together your 'About {FirstName}' skill sharing page, based on the default PBwiki Team Member Template. Just edit it to reflect your Contact Info, Responsibilitis, Tasks and About Me. For an example, you can take a glance at About Tim.


Not only can a Team Member Page help the other members of your team know more about you and how to reach you, they'll definitely appreciate the ability to use this page as a "holding tank" for things they need you to do.


The most used portions of this page will probably be your task list (you'll be using this heavily), and the list of tasks that others would like you to work on (expect your teammates to use this extensively).


Remember, you can create your own customized version of any PBwiki template simply by tagging that page with the keyword "template".  From then on, any user of your wiki will be able to use your page template.


About David <-- page title


Contact Info:

Email: david.weekly [at ] pbwiki.com

Phone: 07 123 456 789 mobile/text/voicemail/MMS

Blog: http://blog.pbwiki.com

Website: http://pbwiki.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1130574526&ref=name




Tasks I'm Working On:


Tasks You'd Like Me To Work On:


About Me:

David has been programming since he was five and has coded for MIT, Harvard, Stanford, There.com, atWeb, and Legato. David wrote the first layman's description of MP3 in early 1997 and graduated in 2000 with a BS in Computer Science from Stanford, where he was a President Scholar and a finalist in the ACM International Programming Competition.